
8路 双纤双向 1470nm~1610nm CWDM 带 监控口 LGX 盒子模块

  • CWDM MUX DEMUX, Multiplexing up to 8 Channels on Fiber Pair
  • 1% Monitor Port for Signal Analyzing or Troubleshooting
  • Passive, Protocol Transparent for Ethernet, FC, OTN, SONET/SDH, etc.
  • Fully Compatible with All ITU-T 1G/10G/25G CWDM Optics
  • Applied to Metro, Regional CWDM Networks

  • 产品详细信息

Dual Fiber8CH 1470-1610nm CWDM MUX DEMUX With EXP and Monitor Port, LC/UPC, Plug-in LGX Box and 2slot 1U Rack


The 8ch CWDM MUX DEMUX is designed by FIBERWDM, wavelength from 1470nm to 1610nm, and it is passive CWDM and plug-in LGX box, can plug in 2slot 1u rack, support 8 channels difference business in two optical fiber for point-to-point transmission.


It works in Broadcast and TV, IDC, finance, government, cloud, massive data and other industries, where the optical fiber resource are rare.  


Product Panel




Expansion Port for Future Bandwidth Increasing, makes it possible to increase the network capacity by connecting it to the line port of another CWDM MUX/DEMUX supporting different wavelengths, without the need of installing or leasing additional fibers.


Line Link

 8CH CWDM MUX DEMUX Dual fiber transmission

8CH CWDM MUX DEMUX Dual fiber transmission

8 Channel sCWDM MUX DEMUX, support 8 channels difference business,such applications as 1G/10G Ethernet, SDH/SONET and 8/4/2/1G, in two optical fiber for point-to-point transmission.


Product Specification



8 channels 1470-1610nm

Channel Spacing


Channel Passband



TFF (Thin Film Filter)

Insertion Loss

Regular :≤ 2.4dB

Link Loss

≤ 2.4dB

Insertion Loss @ 1% Mon

≤ 26dB 

Center Wavelength Accuracy


Return Loss

≥ 45dB


≥ 45dB

Polarization Mode Dispersion

≤ 0.1ps

Polarization Dependent Loss

≤ 0.3dB

Channel Isolation

Adjacent ≥30dB
Non-adjacent ≥45dB


Operating -40 to 85°C  

Storage -40 to 85°C

Net Weight


2Slot 1u Rack 2.5KG

Dimensions (HxWxD)

LGX BOX  190*200*39mm

2Slot 1u Rack 44*440*230mm

Note: Specified with connectors.


Package Information


 Plug-in LGX Box

2-Slot 1U Rack for LGX BOX


Order Information


Product No

Product description


CWDM MUX DEMUX 8CH (1470nm~1610nm) With EXP And Monitor Port, Dual fiber, LC/UPC , Plug-in LGX Box


CWDM MUX DEMUX 8CH (xxxx-xxxx) With EXP And Monitor Port, Dual fiber, LC/UPC , Plug-in LGX Box (Customized)


19” inch 1U rack with 2 slot for Plug-in LGX box, 440*230*44mm

Note:We Support Customized Design, please contact us by email.


发送 信息


Single Fiber 1310nm-1610nm CWDM MUX DEMUX 8路(16波) 单纤双向 CWDM 带监控口 LGX 盒子模块
CWDM MUX DEMUX,Multiplexing up to 8 ch for single fiber BIDI transmission 1% Monitor Port for Signal Analyzing or Troubleshooting Passive, Protocol Transparent for Ethernet, FC, OTN, SONET/SDH, etc. Fully Compatible with All ITU-T 1G/10G/25G CWDM Optics Applied to Metro, Regional CWDM Networks
Dual Fiber 8CH CWDM MUX DEMUX 8路 双纤双向 1470-1610nm CWDM 波分复用 LGX 盒子模块
CWDM MUX DEMUX,Multiplexing up to 8 Channels on Fiber Pair Passive, Protocol Transparent for Ethernet, FC, OTN, SONET/SDH, etc. Fully Compatible with All ITU-T 1G/10G/25G CWDM Optics Applied to Metro, Regional CWDM Networks
Dual Fiber 18CH 1270nm-1610nm CWDM MUX DEMUX 18路 双纤双向 CWDM 带监控口 波分复用设备
CWDM MUX DEMUX, Multiplexing up to 18 Channels on Fiber Pair 1% Monitor Port for Signal Analyzing or Troubleshooting Passive, Protocol Transparent for Ethernet, FC, OTN, SONET/SDH, etc. Fully Compatible with All ITU-T 1G/10G/25G CWDM Optics Applied to Metro, Regional CWDM Networks
Dual Fiber 8CH CWDM MUX DEMUX 8路 双纤双向 1470nm~1610nm CWDM 带1310nm及监控口 波分复用设备
CWDM MUX DEMUX,Multiplexing up to 8 Channels on Dual Fiber Monitor Port for Troubleshooting, 1310nm Port for Legacy Traffic Passive, Protocol Transparent for Ethernet, FC, OTN, SONET/SDH, etc. Fully Compatible with All ITU-T 1G/10G/25G CWDM Optics Applied to Metro, Regional CWDM Networks
拉曼WDM  1450/1550/1660nm 拉曼WDM 1450/1550/1660nm
产品特点: 低偏振 高隔离度 低插入损耗 高稳定性和可靠性 产品应用: 接入网 光纤传感系统
管理型交换机 万兆上行千兆管理型POE交换机 FW5700-48GP-4TF
48*10/100/1000Mbps RJ45端口+4*万兆SFP+端口 FW5700-48GP-4TF 是一款三层管理型POE交换机。提供48个10/100/1000M自适应的端口,4个万兆SFP+端口,给汇聚和核心的数据交换提供足够的带宽,用户可以根据需要选择适合的万兆口以灵活的应对网络需求。产品采用新一代高性能硬件和软件平台,支持三层路由协议、完备的安全防护机制、完善的ACL/QoS策略和丰富的VLAN功能,易于管理维护,满足用户对于网络设备易管理、高安全、低成本的组网需求,适用于校园、酒店及企业园区网络接入、汇聚、核心多种应用场景。
光开关切换设备 路口监控节点光线路保护器FW-OLPB
自动切换,无需人为干预 被保护设备掉电时切换 减少网络节点故障造成的各种损失 增加传输网络的可靠性 支持手动切换和自动切换选择 超大屏LCD液晶显示 具有声光告警 宽范围双路电源输入DC+5V TO +36V 导轨式安装
1.25G SFP  Transceiver 1.25G BIDI SFP Optical Transceiver
1.25G SFP optical transceiver module, support 1.25Gb/s and up to 120 km transmission, including: SFP SR, SFP LR, SFP ER, SFP+ ZR, etc. It works in high-speed IDC connection solutions, network switch, PTN, OTN and so on.



